Reality Cheque

Example of Product Placement's Ubiquitousness in Drama and Reality


The Three Point Twist - Brought to you by

A story producer on America’s Next Top Model said, “[The show] sometimes requires that its contestants record voice-overs later to please its sponsors. On an episode of Top Model, the girls were going to do a runway fashion show. Kmart became a sponsor, so the producers decided that the runway challenge would take place at Kmart. Obviously, when you think of a high fashion runway show the last place you think of is Kmart, and the girls’ (sound) bites in the original cut reflected that sentiment. For that episode, the contestants had to come back in and read lines that had been written for them about Kmart. The producer said that Kmart only allowed a comment like, ‘What are we doing at Kmart?’ if it was followed up by ‘That’s OK, I shop here all the time.’ A voice-over also was added from Jay Alexander about all the wonderful accessories that you can find at Kmart, a shameless plug and a justification for the location.”
